1.) Co-branded Credit Cards
Pal-PNB-Rupay has partnered to launch a co-branded credit card. Two variants of rupay credit cards, I.E. Rupay platinum and rupay select have been launched under this arrangement. Along with regular features like reward points, cashback, accidental insurance, complimentary lounge access, etc., of the offered card variants, the benefits extended by rupay from time to time are available under the co-brand arrangement. Customers can apply for the cards through your nearest Patanjali stores and PNB branches.
- 300+ Reward points on activation
- Insurance Coverage up to Rs. 2 Lacs
- Domestic & International Airport Lounge Access
- PNB Genie Mobile Application for Card Management
- Limit Rs. 25,000 and Max. 5 Lacs
- Add On Card Facility
- Lucrative Reward Points on Spends
- Cash Advance/Revolve/EMI & Auto Debit Facility
- No Joining Fee

- 300+ Reward Points on Activation
- Insurance Coverage up to Rs. 2 Lacs
- Domestic & International Airport Lounge Access
- PNB Genie Mobile Application For Card Management
- Limit Rs. 25,000 and Max. 5 Lacs
- Add On Card Facility
- Lucrative Reward Points On Spends
- Cash Advance/Revolve/EMI & Auto Debit Facility
- No Joining Fee
Pal-PNB-Rupay has partnered to launch a co-branded credit card. Two variants of rupay credit cards, I.E. Rupay platinum and rupay select have been launched under this arrangement. Along with regular features like reward points, cashback, accidental insurance, complimentary lounge access, etc., of the offered card variants, the benefits extended by rupay from time to time are available under the co-brand arrangement. Customers can apply for the cards through your nearest Patanjali stores and PNB branches.

3.) Working Capital Lending for both B2C +B2B Customers
We have successfully collaborated with multiple banks across different psus, private banks, nbfcs, and fintechs to lend money not only to our ecosystem super distributors, distributors, and retailers but our external B-POS ERP users too.
4.) Indo-Nepal Remittances
Patanjali Ayurveda and IME India Private Limited (Erstwhile, IME Forex India Private Limited) has joined hands to help millions of nepalese migrants living in india and enable them to send money to nepal easily by visiting patanjali ayurveda outlets located throughout india. As a result of this collaboration, nepalese residing in india will now be able to send money to their families in nepal more easily and will also be guaranteed that the money sent will be received by their relatives in nepal instantly into their bank account or mobile wallet imepay or withdraw money as cash from ime agents spread everywhere around nepal.
- To providing financial helps to all our Gramin Aarogya Kendra, who are capable to earn well, but due to lack of money, they are not being able to purchase adequate stocks to sell.
- With the blessings of PP Swami ramdev ji and PP Acharya Balkishan ji have partnered with small industrial development bank of india to provide financial helps to Gramin Aarogya Kendra on very minimal documentations and lesser rate of interest.
- Now Patanjali Ayurved is exploring more and more rural areas to provide good health to villagers and open business opportunities for them.